Monday Nights

March 10, 2008

Monday nights have turned into my favorite night of the week. This semester I signed up to mentor a college student, so every Monday, Bekah comes over for dinner and fellowship. Our time together is so refreshing for me and a great way to start my week. We are studying I Corinthians together – really getting deep into the word to see exactly what Paul was saying to both the church in Corinth and to Christians in the 21st century – and she has wisdom that far exceeds her 20 years. I am supposed to be discipling her, but I come away learning so much instead.

In addition, my children love Mondays, too. This is really the first time in their lives that we have had adults at our house that are not accompanied by children of their own. It is so much fun watching them to relate to adults that are not their parents or their friend’s parents. Both kids look forward to seeing Miss Bekah (and want to know if she can spend the night). Even better, she seems delighted to see them, too.

I signed up to serve a college student, instead I have been abundantly blessed. I am overwhelmed by the goodness of God. I encourage all of you to find someone to serve – maybe your service will be blessed, too.

4 Responses to “Monday Nights”

  1. teri Dufilho said

    i love this post, robin……i mean, here you are serving the Lord, and He multiplies it back to you in ways so creative…..He’s so biblical!!….(tee hee)…..”give and it will be given to you….it’s more blessed to give than to recieve”……life with the Lord is a paradox, ain’t it?!…like if we wanna be first, then be last…… and if we wanna be great, then be a servant…. i can just picture Him smiling as He sees you not only discipling bekah, but getting deeper into His word… you go girl…

  2. carolanna said

    Ok — It’s kind of hard NOT to like those munchkins of yours. I love them.

  3. bekah said

    You are so AMAZING!! I love you, your family, monday nights, dinner discussions, Corinthians, getting to see prayers answered together, our girl talks, my fun nicknames, shows in Luke’s room, one word…. Arabesque, signing time with Luke and Ellie,……..AND getting to be apart of your family!! I learn so much everytime I am around you!! Thank you so much for taking the time to feed, hangout, and pour wisdom in my life!!! You bless me beyond words!!!

  4. melissa williams said

    wooohoooo! this, you, bekah, is my goal in life, and pretty much why we live in lubbock! i am so excited you are loving it.

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