Weekend in Fort Worth

March 30, 2008

This weekend we spent some time with some of our dearest friends in Fort Worth. Here’s a quick recap of what we did (complete with pictures).

We started with a trip to the Amon Carter Museum in the cultural district of downtown. They had a great exhibit on snapshots and a nice collection of modern art.


Then we went back to the hotel for some indoor swimming. The plan was to let the kids play in the hot tub while the adults sat around keeping close watch. Plans changed when James decided to go swimming in the deep part in the middle by himself – Matt went in to get him.


From there, we went back to the park by the Trinity River to ride the small train. The ride lasted about an hour and was very cold. The kids were troopers considering that we did not dress them appropriately at all.


We ended Friday night by celebrating Mary’s birthday. I can’t believe that she’s four! It was so fun to be able to be at her birthday party at her Aunt Heidi and Uncle Lucas’ house.


The next day we took a trip to the zoo. We had so much fun seeing all the animals with our friends, although I think my own children may have been a tad disappointed. On the way to the zoo we asked which animals they were most excited to see. She said, “A panda bear!” and he said, “A whale!” I don’t think that they understood that the Fort Worth zoo didn’t have every animal.


We ended our time together with a trip to Pappsito’s (yummy… my favorite!) and the Botanical Gardens where we took some pictures of all the kids. (Does it seem like Fort Worth has a few more things to do than ol’ west Texas?)


We lined all the kids up in their birth order to get this cute shot. As you can see, we missed a few people who we wished were able to be there – number 5 and his sister number 9 were noticeably absent. Suz, Joe, Evan, Maren, and Kenny didn’t get to hang out with us this weekend and we missed them. I look forward to the next time when we’re all able to be to be together.

5 Responses to “Weekend in Fort Worth”

  1. teri Dufilho said

    wonderful pictures and fun info, robin!!……..looks like everyone had so much fun together and how great to have the kids’ experience “fellowship” too!!!….can’t wait to see you guys when sweet charlie decides he wants to be born!

  2. Kerry said

    Ian can sit up now?! Seriously, Friday morning he wouldn’t sit up for me! What a stinker…

    Cute pics!

  3. Carly said

    I love the “Ferris Bueller” museum reference! Very cute to see all of the Little Fellowshp-ers together (minus Evan & Maren).

  4. kim said

    me: “hey, jonah bear! did you have fun at the museum today?”

    jonah: “i didn’t go to a museum.”

    me: “yes you did, baby.”

    jonah: “no, momma. i really didn’t.”

    me: “yes, sweety. do you remember the place that had lots of different paintings?”

    jonah: “no.”

    me: “do you remember the place where you had to keep your hands in your pockets and…”

    jonah: “oh! and be quiet.”

    me: “yes. that is the musuem.”

    jonah: “oh. yes. we did go to the museum.”

  5. Suzanne said

    Yay! What cute pics. What cute kids! Numbers 5 & 9 will be there soon!

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